Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Making it in google in less than a week ( whew !!!)

Mapping your Marketing

 Statcounter is loaded with great tools To help you focus on what area's are hot beds for clips .
Johnny Nova was asking me about Craigs list on a scale of 1 to 10. My reply is simple I found a young lady on criagslist vancouver that is a top 20 clips4sale producer , So yes craigslist is a great tool to meet models and talent

Walter @ clips4sale traffic support

Johnny Nova And Sara Akeera Send out 2700 Emails for girls tied tight

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Why you need a top list of 100 friends( Mail out Tool )

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Craigs list to expand your traffic in foreign markets

Bring up a stores sales with bigger wording and discriptions

This is girls tied up . They are improving monthly and asked me to assist them in growth they are a fun bunch with dreams of doing clips4sale and c4slive full time. I made them a new header because custom orders really help a great deal . They are not at the traffic level of our big guns yet but a header make over should see them experience better contact with customers. They have beautiful girls covering many fantasy's red head , Asian, sexy feet. Check out the before and after.

Why upgrade your store part 1 of 2 ( After upgrade )