Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cross platform branding and fetish

 Laura is a stunning model that can switch booth ways She is in film and television and a great creative model

Branding Remedy Anne , Remedy Anne Takes pride in her costumes and lighting she finds every mans soft spot with images

Rob is a dream to work with as he posts as soon as a tutorial is done " Stacee is now branded" in good taste

 Right away after posting articles about branding a model  Rob goes into action. We now know who Stacee is . She has some shots that are decent that she can post on her wish list or face book or show her parents without being them being distasteful . She can submit them to agencies and market herself and help increase Rob and Cory's popularity as well as her own .

Walter traffic hitter support

Brand by modes feature's brand by story line

Here is two sets of samples of branding by feature or branding by story line. The bottom image could be called "Walter and Simones weird summer Vacation.  Health nurses gone wild or Grandpa is a naughty pony. Three things really have to count. The models features, a believable script and your customer feeling like he is in the story. " Grandpa did his own stunts in this one by the way gawd what a weird summer

Walter traffic hitter support

The art of branding all your models features and your customers kinks

Another great site for you